SSI Perfect buoyancy Speciality
The oceanic waters cover 70 % of our planet, and these mysterious waters are full of countless marine creatures. They do seem to be surprising aliens to human beings. The knowledge you gain by completing an SSI perfect buoyancy specialty, Lets you replace your fear and misunderstanding with the excitement for an underwater adventure. Learn scuba diving in India for comparatively affordable options of scuba diving courses.
For example, You might think that sharks are the most dangerous predators and attack humans without warning. Well, the truth is, It is a rare privilege to see a shark for scuba divers, and they are the critical indicator of the health of our oceans.
Skilled scuba divers can move effortlessly underwater and can change their buoyancy simultaneously. During your training, our instructors ensure that you repeat every skill until they become flawless and habitual.
Being an SSI Dive centre would like you to be a very comfortable and confident diver at every stage of your training. That is why we provide high-quality rental equipment and options to customise the rental gear that suits you well during your specialty course.
It is a better idea to have your personally-owned and well-fitted equipment for more comfortability. We recommend you to have at least your personal Mask, Finns, Dive computer, and Wet-Suit for scuba in Andaman.
The components we use Buoyancy Control
The primary goal of buoyancy control is to move underwater effortlessly and stay afloat at the surface. The scuba divers widely use the Buoyancy Compensator (BC) and the weight belt ( weight system ) as the two main components.
1.Adjustment Strap
2. Inflator Hose
4. Buckle
5. Weight with Weight Release.
Weights:- Properly inflated BC keeps you positively buoyant (tendency to float). And the weight system lets you achieve negative buoyancy (tendency to sink). Scuba divers should control and fine-tune the balance of these two forces to become neutrally buoyant. ( the habit to neither keep floating at the surface nor crawling on the sea bottom, but remain weightless in the water column ).
Exposure Suit:- We use the wetsuits as per the temperature of the water. It does not come in the buoyancy system. It does have a role in changing your buoyancy at the depth by compressing and expanding itself. Even if there is nothing, we can do much about the buoyancy effects of an exposure suit. But you should know about the facts and a few tricks to manage your buoyancy while scuba diving in Andaman.
The Concept Of Buoyancy
Laws About Buoyancy
You must understand two laws to perfect your buoyancy. 1. Boyle’s Law and 2. Archimedes’ Principle. These laws affect the divers’ physiology, the principles involved in buoyancy, expansion, compression, lift, air consumption, decompression theory, and much more.
The ability to properly control your buoyancy Can make a significant difference between an enjoyable, effortless dive versus an uncomfortable and exhausted dive. A few diving concerns are directly linked to improper buoyancy control too.
Boyle ́s Law
At a constant temperature, the pressure and volume of any gas are related inversely to each other. It clearly states that if pressure increases, volume decreases, and if the pressure decreases, the volume increases too. Boyle’s Law is well known as the Volume and Pressure Law.
P2 = Ending Pressure
V2 = Ending Volume
As per the above chart, the change in pressure and volume commonly differentiates between 0 to 10 meters. You require to react immediately to pressure changes upon descending below the surface. You have to start equalising your body air spaces to avoid squeeze discomfort.
Everybody needs to keep injecting extra pressure of air in BC to become naturally buoyant at depth. Do remember to keep venting out air while coming up. The amount of air inside your BC changes to a higher volume while ascending and can cause an uncontrolled ascent.
Archimedes’ Principle
Archimedes’ Principle stats that an object placed in liquid buoys up by a force, that force is equal to the weight of the displaced liquid.
Buoyancy characteristics depend greatly upon an object’s density as well as the density of the fluid. Density is calculated by the weight of an object divided by its volume.
Seawater contains salt, and it is denser than freshwater and provides a more buoyant force. That causes you to float better in seawater than in freshwater. Buoyancy is a force and plays a crucial role in an object’s ability to float or sink. There are three kinds of buoyancy 1.Positive buoyancy, 2. Negative buoyancy, and 3. Neutral buoyancy.
The three different states of buoyancy
Positive Buoyancy Negative Buoyancy Neutral Buoyancy
Determining The Proper Amount Of Weight
The scuba diver’s buoyancy is not constant. That keeps changing underwater due to changing pressure, the equipment we use ( such as scuba tank, wetsuit ), and the displacement.
We need to consider that the air in a 12 liters cylinder weighs 3.103 kg when filled with 200 bars and becomes .775 kg when it reaches 50 bars.
A full tank makes you overweight, and a close to empty tank gets you more buoyant. It is always better to be a bit overweighted at the starting of your dive. That helps when your tank gets under lesser pressure.
The proper buoyancy adjustment procedures
The perfect buoyancy requires you to breathe efficiently. You need to develop breathing patterns that are deep, steady, balanced, long, and rhythmic. Your relaxation greatly relies on ease of breathing and perfect buoyancy together. Your swimming attitude does affect your buoyancy. The best practice is head-up and feet-down at about a 15 to 20-degree angle.
Once we reach the bottom, To practice neutral buoyancy, we lie on our stomach and watch whether our head is coming up gently during inhaling and going down during exhaling or not. If you are already neutrally buoyant, this should work.
If not. You should inject a little air in your BC by pressing the inflater button, and watch again for rise-fall gently while inhaling-exhaling. You must add little air and repeat this technique until you become neutrally buoyant.
Your perfect buoyancy includes two open water dives for practicing the new skills and enjoy the vibrant marine life while scuba diving in Havelock. Your instructor debriefs you with all the skills you have performed and ideas you need to use for future dives.
Thank you so much for reading our blog. Our next blog will be published regarding SSI Navigation Speciality very soon. Stay tuned.
Originally published at on July 19, 2021.